Cathy Scott • Aug 21, 2018

This is the Bible History classroom at Hixson High School that tragically has one less student than a week ago. On Saturday night, August 18th, 2018, a Hixson man shot and killed his 15-year-old son, who happened to be a public school Bible History student in Mr. Quincy Harris’ Old Testament Survey class. The newspaper reports the father of this boy is being held in jail under a $1,000,000 bond and has been charged with criminal homicide.

On Friday, Mr. Harris’ classroom was filled with 34 energetic and bubbly Bible History students. However, on Monday one could have heard a pin drop as Mr. Harris broke through the silence to call the roll. This time, only 33 students responded. Additionally, on Monday morning, a student in the same class learned of the tragic passing of their younger sibling due to illness.

If you know a teacher or educational leader, you likely know serving youth these days in any capacity is not for the faint of heart. How is a teacher supposed to begin crafting lesson plans for students who are trying to process news of the slaying of a fellow classmate – let alone knowing their friend’s life was taken by his own father? What about the child who will go home to try to eat dinner with one less person at their table? How does one comfort these levels of pain, confusion, or fear? Quite simply, many young people in our schools are dealing with tough circumstances. Where is their hope? It is times like these that we are grateful for the presence of Bible History teachers in 25 Hamilton County Schools, who can show students where to turn to find hope when they’re hurting.

Hixson High School alumnus and Bible History teacher, Mr. Quincy Harris, in addition to having two degrees, has 7 years of experience in the U.S. Air Force as a Military Policeman, a Criminal Investigator, and a Hostage and Crisis Negotiator. Mr. Harris’ experience in the Air Force has therefore uniquely positioned him to be able to help his students talk through and process situations of acute grief. He is familiar with the consequences of heinous crime, and he is also able to openly point students in his public school classroom to passages in the Bible from which they can draw comfort and hope in times of grief. It’s likely, that for a while, the start of class will feel like no ordinary roll call; however, how beautiful it is that Mr. Harris can invite students to open the the Bible, which is no ordinary Book! Psalm 30:5b reminds us, “Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning.”

Cathy Scott,


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